Know Your Agropreneur
Your Agropreneur is a progressive smallholder farmer who grows and harvests this melon for a living in a Fefifo Co-farm.
Know Your Positive Impact
By buying from a local Agropreneur, you are not only supporting the local communities and businesses, you are inspiring the #NewGenerationFarmers to stay true to their passion in producing safe and healthy food more sustainably.
Know where this F3 Melon came from?
It all started when…
Kamarulridhzuan, a 28-year-old graduate in BSc Agricultural Science, developed a passion for agriculture while growing up in a family that has been involved in palm oil plantations. To him farming is more than just a job, it is a lifestyle. He now produces F3 melons with pride and precision in a Fefifo Co-farm in Sungai Raya, Perak. He is dedicated to growing with care and calls his melons “anak ayah” meaning “a father’s children”. His 1-acre greenhouse farm space is set up with a precision fertigation system and he operates Fefifo’s seed-to-sale digital platform (aka DDFN) on his mobile phone.
Crop type, taste profile & serving suggestions
F3 Melon has thin skin and white flesh that is sweet, juicy and crunchy. You can leave it for a few days to ripen to your preferred softness and juiciness. Once cut, store in the refrigerator. You can serve as dessert or in a fruit salad, or even freeze melon cubes then pulse in a food processor to make instant sorbet.
Track & trace from seed-to-sale
15 Feb 2023: Seed sown in nursery
27 Feb 2023: Transplanted to greenhouse section
28 Feb to 25 Apr 2023: Cultivation & monitoring of 2,700 melons
26 Apr 2023*: Harvest Batch 1
28 Apr 2023*: Harvest Batch 2
1 May 2023*: Harvest Batch 3
*Sorted and packed on same day, then delivered within 48-hours by Alif Mustaqim - Fefifo’s internal fleet driver
Your local Agropreneurs thank you.
Now the new generation Agropreneurs are able to kickstart their own commercial farms easily in a Fefifo Co-farm, powered by Fefifo’s proprietary seed-to-sale platform - DDFN, that enables them to grow the best produce for everyone.